Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Homemade Liquid Laundry Detergent

So I have written a post about homemade laundry detergent concentrate and that stuff is great! But this stuff is my everyday laundry detergent.....not like I do laundry everyday (thank you Jesus!) I am not at the point in my life yet! Probably once kids come into the picture. Ok back on track! So this stuff is wonderful and still very thrifty! The cost compared to store bought detergent is waaaaay cheaper!

Here is the math

  • Borax Powder $4 dollars 
  • Washing Soda (NOT BAKING!) $3
  • Fels Naptha Soap (I used to use Ivory then I switched) $1 per bar 
So it cost $8 for all the supplies and they will last several batches. You will just need to buy a bar of soap every time. 

So here is what you'll need 

Washing Soda (Not baking soda....there is adifference)
1 Fels Naptha bar of soap

Now I toss in some downy unstoppables just because I like the extra boost of awesome laundry smell! So this part is optional. 

So first you are gonna grate the bar of soap

I just grate straight into the pot. Saves an extra step. 

So next step you are going to add 4 cups of water. 

Just pour it in there. 

Now set the heat to low medium. It's important that you don't let the soap boil. You will end up with an icky mess. Also try to keep the bubbles down to a minimum. So don't get stir crazy (ba dum tisk!) 

Here is when I add the scent pellets (I just like the word pellets!) 

I do two capfulls. 

So now it's time for the soap to melt. 

See!! It's melting! Look at you making homemade laundry soap and saving your family money! 

So you want all the soap chunks to melt. I have rushed through and not let it all melt and it was a hot mess. Literally. And FYI the green color is from the pellets. It's usually yellow. 

So while it's melting I am gonna get the powders mixed together. 

You need one cup of both the washing soda and the borax. 

I like to take the whisk and crush all the clumps. Take that clumps!!!!

Once the soap is all dissolved I pour in all my powders

Then I let all of that stuff dissolve so there it's nice and smooth. No clumps or lumps are welcome here. 

So next I pour the mixture into a five gallon bucket.

I fill the bucket a little over half-way up with warm water. Let it settle over night and once it conceals put it in your containers. 

I get about two and a half jugs of detergent from this. You can add more water and stretch it out more if you'd like. 

Well that's it! After making this stuff I don't ever see how I could pay for store bought detergent again!