So what you'll need -
Sweet Potatoes, I only use one for the two of us and it's plenty
Salt and Pepper
Coconut or Olive oil
Garlic powder
Cayenne pepper
Chili powder
Tin cookie sheet
Cooling rack
Wash the sweet potato and slice into the thinnest wedges you can get without nicking a finger tip.
The thinner the better.
Next line your cookie sheet with foil and set the cooling rack on top.
Seriously, why did I use an orange bowl for this?? lol! Awful pictures! Any ways, just pour on the oil. I oddly like the hint of coconut oil so that's my go to. Add just enough to give a good coating.
Here are the seasonings I use. Add what you want, skip what you want. The flavor is customizable! I like mine a little spicy so I tend to go heavier on the chili powder and cayenne. Also the owls are salt and pepper. Cause they cute!
So shake in all that seasoned goodness! Mix together, just go ahead and use your hands. It's easier and that's one less thing to wash with the dishes.
After tossing the wedges in that spicy goodness you'll take your cookie sheet, line with foil (if you wanna, I'm lazy at times and it makes clean up a cinch)
Next line your potatoes up on your pan, stick them in the oven for about 25-30 minutes (keep an eye on them cause they can get a little burnt quickly). Once they are done cooking let them cool then dig in!
My FAVORITE thing to dip them in is Gwen's Nest Ranch! Seriously this ranch is off the chain and will ruin you for store bought ranch!